Friday 31 December 2021

My Top 10 Favourite Movies of 2021

__Happy New Year's Eve. We've come to the end of 2021, so you know what that means.🙂 It's time for me to look back on the year and pick out my ten favourite movies.
__So how was the year overall? Well, I got my vaccine and, among the year's movies, saw at least one that I rated five stars; that alone makes it a huge improvement on 2020!😀 Unfortunately, the virus shows no sign of slowing down, so not only will many people's stories be a lot sadder, but it'll probably be a long time before our everyday life returns to what it was two years ago, if at all. For better or worse, this year did at least take a few steps in that direction. Most relevant here is the reopening of cinemas on a more permanent basis – though still under heavy restrictions, obviously.
__If this is your first time reading one of my year-end lists (or if you just need a reminder), let me briefly go over the criteria I set for what qualifies as a 2021 movie. It simply has to have been released for public consumption within the year, be it in cinemas or on a streaming platform. Movies that haven't been seen outside of film festivals don't count, and neither do movies that were released in another country in an earlier year. This year was especially problematic in that regard, because the release schedule towards the end of 2020 was very messy indeed! Several awards contenders weren't released publicly until the early months of the following year, including Nomadland, which may have won Best Picture for 2020, but its earliest non-festival release date makes it a 2021 movie in my book.

__Now, before we get into the list itself, this would normally be the point where I pick out the year's most disappointing movie. But it was unusually hard to pick a winner this year because, while there were quite a few movies that fell short of my expectations, there were none that fell so miserably short that they stood out as an especially crushing letdown.

Saturday 4 December 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 4-Dec-2021

__Hello again.
__Well, December has arrived. 2021 is almost over. I hope everyone has a happy and safe holiday season.
__This may or may not be my last "first impressions" post of the year. There are a few upcoming movies I want to see, like West Side Story, Spider-Man: No Way Home and The King's Man, but I'm still pondering whether to deviate from my usual schedule for these posts (the first Saturday of the month) and share my thoughts on them before the end of the year.
__In the meantime, enjoy my Twitter-length comments on everything I've watched and played since my last post on November 6th.🙂

__Section one: cinema releases. The good news is that, unlike the last two months, I won't be seeing anything later today that'll just miss its chance, so I won't leave you hanging.🙂
There are some good ideas in there, but they're undermined by haphazard pacing and at times awkward acting. The random, extended flashbacks break the flow of both the narrative and character development. Easily the worst MCU movie to date.
My rating: 50%.
The horrific imagery mirrors the emerging cutthroat nature of the fashion (and entertainment) industry, and the scenes where Eloise and Sandie switch back and forth are most impressive. It's a good movie, but not without its flaws.
My rating: 70%.

Saturday 6 November 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 6-Nov-2021

__I hope everyone had a good Halloween.🙂 As per tradition, I celebrated it by watching a couple of horror movies I hadn't seen before, but we'll get to those later.
__Today's list of Twitter-length reviews is going to be a long one, because I've been extremely busy with both movies and video games. Last month's entry was posted right in the middle of a rather lengthy set of this year's movies that I was going through, and I've seen a few more since. And as I mentioned last time, I started watching longplays of the games I own (either legitimately or as emulator ROMs) that I'd skipped over and left without a rating on my list. There are quite a lot because most of them are very short.
__Plus, I've started going to the cinema more often. My last post went up mere hours before I went to see No Time to Die, so that movie's been waiting to have its turn on this blog for a whole month!😀 Well, finally the wait is over.

__Section one: cinema releases.
A solid swan song for Daniel Craig's Bond, as well as one of the best films in the franchise. Its runtime may seem excessive, but you barely notice it. The highlight is a car chase that turns into a suspenseful hunt in a misty wood.
My rating: 80%.
As you'd expect of Denis Villeneuve, it's visually stunning and very slow-paced – maybe too much so. The story is easy enough to follow, but it's vague on many details that are probably explained better in the book, and the ending is far too abrupt.
My rating: 65%.
Much of it is a tad illegible for the uninitiated, not helped by the sporadic pacing, but even the movie knows Marguerite's is the most important story, and it's fascinating to see certain events unfold from different people's perspectives.
My rating: 65%.

__Believe it or not, the same thing is happening again with today's post!😀 I'll be going to see Eternals later today, but I must stick to my schedule.

Saturday 2 October 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 2-Oct-2021

__Welcome to my next compilation of Twitter-length reviews of what I've been watching/playing over the past month. And in this case, it's been quite a busy month for me!🙂
__As well as continuing with my list of unplayed games (I'm currently going through titles from the year 2001), I've once again started watching movies more frequently. I saw two movies at the cinema in September, and I've started another marathon at home consisting of a pair of movies per day. They're mostly other movies from 2021, but I kicked it off with two miscellaneous pairs: the two Inbetweeners movies because I'd just recently watched the show, and a rewatch of the first two Conjuring movies in preparation for the third one. (For the time being, I'm still avoiding the spin-off movies like Annabelle and The Nun.)
__Also, after I started said batch of movies, I decided to start watching a few other game walkthroughs in between. As I've been going through my list, there've been quite a few games that I've skipped over and left unrated. There are a couple of new additions that I've just recently decided to download, but most of the others are fighting games and Square RPGs. With the fighting games, watching longplays is my only option because I just flat-out suck at them; every time I try to play them, I just get clobbered! And as for the Square RPGs, I've said before that I think it'd be best to watch blind Let's Plays of them first, because they're so long and rambling that I quickly lose interest when I try to play them myself, and longplays without commentary don't help much.
__So, with all that said, let's get started.

Saturday 4 September 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 4-Sep-2021

__Hello, and welcome to another list of my thoughts on the games I've been playing over the past month. In other years, my mini reviews on Twitter have focused on movies (and it'll soon be time for me to catch up on some movies from this year), but it's mostly been video games that have occupied my time lately. There are a lot of titles in my collection that I haven't played and therefore rated yet, so I'm going through them all in a list arranged by year. I never claimed to be a good player, so, with some exceptions, I'll usually give the game a try and then, if it becomes clear that I can't progress quickly and easily, continue via watching a longplay on YouTube.
__This time, I have fewer games to talk about than in other months, partly because they're starting to get longer (particularly Majora's Mask). But, to compensate, I got so passionate about one of them that it inspired me to write a full review – a rarity these days – which I'll save until the end. The game in question is Conker's Bad Fur Day. I'll probably get a lot of flak for this, but it is by far the worst game I've played yet! Bear in mind, I have no intention of playing infamously bad ones like Superman 64, Sonic '06 or Ride to Hell: Retribution.
__But before I explain why it had such an adverse effect on me, let's run through my brief thoughts on the others, some of which were pretty damn good.🙂 As I mentioned last time, they're covering the years 2000 and 2001, so here we go: the first few games from the new millennium.🙂

Saturday 7 August 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 7-Aug-2021

__Hello, and welcome to the next compilation of Twitter-length reviews of what I've been watching and playing over the past month.
__This one actually begins with a movie I saw at the cinema, something that hasn't happened for almost a year! I never considered watching Black Widow on Disney+, because I only subscribe occasionally for one month at a time to watch a number of movies, and I didn't think it was worth it for just one movie. (Once I get around to some TV shows on Disney+, my subscription will be more long-term.) Plus, I suspected Black Widow might be locked behind the premium paywall on top of that (and according to Wikipedia, it looks like I was right), so I decided the cinema would be easier, and probably cheaper as well. So what did I think?

The core idea is a solid one: Nat receiving closure by confronting her past, both her brutal training and her family. However, it's marred by excessive action scenes with little to no context. Not bad, but far from one of Marvel's best.
My rating: 65%.

Saturday 3 July 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 3-Jul-2021

__Hello again. And if you're in the USA, happy Independence Day weekend.🙂
__I'm also happy to report that I got my second shot yesterday.😀 I posted my last entry on this blog the day after I got the first one, so see that one for the story of how unexpected it was.🙂 Now I just need to self-isolate for another week, and I should be fine. Obviously, that doesn't mean I should stop being cautious, though.
__Now, for the last few months, I've been spending my days playing video games and my evenings watching TV shows, most recently Half-Life and Dexter respectively. However, because I finished both at almost exactly the same time, I decided to take a break and start on another set of movies, so that's what I'll be commenting on this time.
__But, because I played Half-Life before starting the batch of movies, it seems appropriate to throw in its mini review first. I said in my last post that it would be the first game I commented on this month; I didn't think it would turn out to be the only one.😀

I'm usually not a fan of first-person shooters, but this is one major exception.🙂 The fun gameplay is backed up by its creative setting and alien enemies, and a wide array of memorable scenarios. It's easy to see why it was so influential.
My rating: 95%.

Saturday 5 June 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 5-Jun-2021

__Before we jump into the batch of mini reviews from the past month, I'd like to mention that I got my first jab just yesterday.😀 It was very impromptu; my sister told me she was at our local health centre, and that I could also get mine if I came immediately. Fortunately, it was just around the corner, about five minutes away on foot. They must have had a surplus, because neither of us were expecting to be vaccinated for a while yet: it's those in their early forties that are currently the focus in Ireland. But here we are.🙂 A remarkable stroke of luck!
__Now, to business.😀

__First of all, two of the most recent Angry Video Game Nerd episodes concerned movies that I hadn't seen yet, so I decided to watch the movies themselves first to make sure I was in on all possible jokes.

Saturday 1 May 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 1-May-2021

__Hello.🙂 If this is your first time on my blog, I always post these compilations of mini reviews (which are copied and pasted from my Twitter) on the first Saturday of the month, and it's not often that that happens to be the first day of the month.😀 Today's post will mostly be a long string of video games, since that's what I've been focusing on for the past month. Before we get into that, though, let me start with my brief comments on four movies that I watched during a quick detour.

The plot completely stagnates once Grace is accused of witchcraft, because the rest is nothing but their efforts to force her to confess. It's more mean-spirited than anything, as her resolve just seems like an excuse to extend the torture.
My rating: 40%.
It hinges on a hefty decision, but it's dulled because neither the narrative nor the characters are all that spectacular, so even the climax feels rather lacking. It does nail the atmosphere of space, though, like when they first lose gravity.
My rating: 60%.
It makes some clever use of all thoughts being out loud, but it gets pretty annoying hearing "I am Todd Hewitt" about a hundred times as he tries not to think of anything. The story itself is pretty bland; the books sound much better.
My rating: 50%.
It's better than King of the Monsters, but not by much. The main problem is the pacing: it's almost two hours, yet it still feels rushed. Some of the characters are pretty annoying, too. Still, the climax makes it all worthwhile.
My rating: 55%.

Saturday 3 April 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 3-Apr-2021

__Happy Easter weekend, everyone.🙂 It's the first Saturday of April, so it's time for another compilation of the mini reviews I've posted on Twitter over the past month.

__First, let's talk about movies. In contrast to last month, I've actually seen quite a few this time, starting with Top Gun to prepare for the sequel due for release this year (here's hoping things are much safer by that point), then a couple of movie spin-offs from the TV shows I'd been watching in the evenings. Then there was a small set of movies from the end of 2020 and the start of 2021, including a few of the Oscar nominees that had just been announced, which I decided to watch as soon as possible. There are still a couple that I haven't been able to see, though, like Minari and Another Round.

Saturday 6 March 2021

First Impressions Review Diary 6-Mar-2021

__Hello.🙂 How's everyone's year going so far? I'm certainly hopeful for the near future, but in the meantime, I'm staying at home and keeping myself busy the best way I know how.🙂
__As it's the first Saturday of the month, this would normally be the time when I'd post a compilation of my "first impressions" mini reviews for all the latest movies I'd seen. However, I wouldn't have many this time because I've barely been watching any movies at all. Instead, I've been focusing on video games and TV shows. After all, I have a huge backlog of both. I'm going through all my unplayed games by year, so I've mostly been playing retro games on emulators so far. At first, I didn't bother commenting on them, since I find it much harder to review something without voice acting or anything that normally defines visual storytelling, but then I tried it and found that I did at least have a tweet's worth of comments on each one.🙂
__Before we start, though, I did watch one movie back in January: Infernal Affairs. You see, whenever I do get back to watching movies on a more full-time basis, one place I want to start is the last few titles on a "100 movies bucket list" poster I got a few Christmases ago. One of those movies is The Departed, so I thought I might as well start with the original film that it's based on.