Saturday 1 January 2022

First Impressions Review Diary 1-Jan-2022

__Happy New Year, everyone!😀
__I always put up my "first impressions" posts on the first Saturday of the month. But, by an amazing coincidence, this time that happens to be the first day of the month, and of the entire year as well! What a perfect way to ring in the new year!😀
__This is my recap of all the movies and video games I watched throughout the month of December. (If you're new here, that's how it is with games. I'm going through all the not-yet-played ones in my collection, sorted by year. I'll usually play them for a while, but if it becomes clear that I can't progress quickly, I'll start watching a longplay to see the rest.) Now, I already covered some of the movies in my "top ten favourites of the year" list, sometimes in slightly more detail, but everything deserves equal treatment here.

__Section one: cinema releases.
It's kind of a live-action version of Into the Spider-Verse.🙂 It acknowledges the character's core philosophy, while also giving the other two Spider-Man film series one last hurrah. It has its faults, but still very enjoyable.
My rating: 85%.
Both the humour and creative camerawork of the original Kingsman are almost completely absent. This one takes itself entirely seriously, resulting in a lacklustre story rooted in an all-too-familiar overprotective father scenario.
My rating: 50%.