Saturday 7 May 2022

First Impressions Review Diary 7-May-2022

__Hello again.🙂
__Let's not beat around the bush. This month's set of mini reviews begins with a few movies I felt like watching. And no, I haven't seen Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness yet, so you'll have to wait until next time for my comments on it.

It's kind of like a teenage girl version of the Hulk.🙂 The transformation is a metaphor for her frustrations, mainly stemming from the pressure of putting other people's happiness before her own, which I myself find very relatable indeed.
My rating: 75%.
A likeable drama that follows four teachers conducting an experiment to prove a theory about alcohol blood level. At first, it seems to benefit their work performance and social lives, but begins teetering closer and closer to alcoholism.
My rating: 75%.
A mother escapes her abusive husband and, failing to find proper housing, decides to build a home herself. The premise is enough to keep it engaging, and you feel the joy from her friends' aid and the frustration at the ex's continued presence.
My rating: 75%.
It cleverly simulates the effect of Alzheimer's on the father's mind in several ways, like playing events out of order due to his confusion about the passage of time, and replacing characters with other actors when he doesn't recognise them.
My rating: 75%.
This came out the same year as Empire Strikes Back and has a few noticeable similarities, like the swamp landing and the fall down the chute, which is ironic because Star Wars was heavily inspired by the original Flash Gordon serials.
My rating: 65%.

__Interestingly, those were the last few 2020 movies on my watchlist, so I've now seen everything I want to from that year! Except for the Demon Slayer movie, but that'll have to wait until I've seen the show anyway.