Saturday, 1 October 2022

First Impressions Review Diary 1-Oct-2022

__Hello. My "first impressions" posts always go up on the first Saturday of the month, and this time that happens to be the first day of October.😀 Are you ready for the Halloween season?🙂
__Let's start today's collection of reviews with a few movies. Danny Boyle is one of my favourite directors, and I realised recently that there were only four movies of his that I hadn't seen, so I thought I might as well complete the set.🙂
__I also have an extra one after those four. Lately, I felt like rewatching Avatar (though not in its current cinema rerelease), but first I decided to check out one of the movies to which I've seen it commonly compared: Dances with Wolves.

I like what it was going for: the three friends' mounting paranoia and the temptation of the stolen money. But their exact thought process becomes rather vague as it progresses; I don't fully understand David's reason for isolating himself.
My rating: 65%.
The leads' relationship certainly had comedic potential, but in practice, its rampant silliness comes off as more annoying than amusing. The angels' belief that a kidnapping situation is the ideal love story is highly questionable.
My rating: 40%.