Monday 30 September 2013

First Impressions: "Good Luck Chuck" (2007)

   Charlie Logan is under a hex that any girl he sleeps with will marry the next guy she meets, which complicates his relationship with Cam, the girl of his dreams.
   When I saw Film Brain's review of Good Luck Chuck, I was so appalled at the movie that I knew I'd have to watch it myself to officially confirm whether or not it really was one of the worst movies I've ever come across. And, as expected… seeing the review first kind of softened the blow a bit.
   But that doesn't make the film any less reprehensible! Right from the opening scene, with the ten-year-old children experimenting with sex, I was thinking, "What sick fuck came up with this?!" The sex-obsessed Stu is by far one of the most annoying characters in all of cinema. I even hated the movie's attempts to prove that Charlie's a good guy by making him a complete Good Samaritan: it's blatant overcompensation – especially since he steps into full-blown insanity later on! And let's not even get into how despicably sexist the movie is!
   Oddly enough, though, Charlie and Cam do seem to legitimately hit it off in their first scene. But the whole curse aspect shoots any of that potential dead in its tracks.
   In conclusion, while it's not one of the absolute worst movies I've ever seen, it was still a tough sit. Apart from being immature, annoying and sexist as all hell, a lot of the humour is just sickeningly tasteless.
   My rating: 20%.

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