Saturday 5 November 2022

First Impressions Review Diary 5-Nov-2022

__Hello. I hope you had a good Halloween. This post is going up on November 5th, so if you happen to be reading this in the UK, happy Bonfire Night.🙂
__Today's collection of Twitter-length reviews is a long one, because I watched quite a lot of both movies and video game longplays in October. I'll get into more details later, but the short version is: to celebrate the Halloween season, I had two marathons of horror movies, one at each end of the month, and there were a lot of video games in between, many of which were short because they were retro Disney games that I wanted to check out. And to top it all off, one of those Disney games inspired me to write a full 250-word review, which I'll save for the end.
__The first movie marathon was rather fortunately timed, because I was incapacitated anyway. After avoiding it for over two-and-a-half years, and despite all my best efforts, I tested positive for COVID-19 on October 6th.🙁 I'm fully vaccinated, so thankfully it didn't hit me too hard. For the most part, it was nothing worse than a blocked nose; if I hadn't tested myself, I would have thought it was just a regular cold.
__The first day was definitely the worst. My stomach was complaining with a constant gassy feeling like I was about to puke but didn't, so I couldn't eat or drink much. But worse than that, because I'd got so little sleep the night before, I was drifting on and off all day, and my mind was a ceaseless flurry of nonsensical images, like I was in a perpetual dream. Dealing with that was unbearable! It was like trying to find order in a ten-square-mile landfill.
__Luckily, I recovered pretty smoothly. My diet was back to normal two days later, and I tested myself again after a full week, and it was negative.🙂 I guess I couldn't avoid COVID forever, but I'm glad my case was very mild. If you or anyone you know wasn't so lucky, you have my deepest sympathies.
__With that said, let's start talking about what I watched to get me through it, and throughout the rest of the month as well. So get comfortable, and let's begin.🙂