Wednesday 3 July 2013

First Impressions: "Man of Steel" (2013)

   Okay, I know I'm late to the game on this one, but I went to see Man of Steel yesterday. And I… didn't like it.
   First of all, it fails in the same ways as many other modern bad blockbusters. The acting across the board is astonishingly wooden, and it's shot entirely in shaky cam, making it impossible to tell what's happening at times.
   On top of that, the characters aren't given any humanity at all. Any attempts at character development are quickly glanced over to move on to another loud, abrasive action sequence. It's completely shallow. I think Mark Kermode said it best: the movie gets half the title right, but it clearly doesn't care at all about the man, only the steel.
   And, as other people have pointed out, it does not properly represent the character. I'm not a huge fan myself, but I still understand his virtues and ideals. This movie does bring them up, but completely betrays them. I could rant on about this for hours, but I'll just let this sum it up: in the massive final battles in Smallville and Metropolis, Superman isn't making any effort whatsoever to prevent all the destruction! It seems all the movie cares about is the destruction.
   I hate to say this, but honest to God, this is like if Michael Bay did Superman!
   Overall, because of the unconvincing effects, universally wooden acting and complete lack of substance, I was bored stiff throughout.
   My rating: 30%.

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