Sunday 30 June 2013

First Impressions: "Bad Boys" (1995)

   Yesterday I started another marathon of a particular director's oeuvre. I've made no secret in the past of my seething hatred for Michael Bay, but I haven't yet seen all his movies. I might as well get a complete picture of how terrible he really is.
   Oh, and just a heads-up: I won't be commenting on Armageddon and Pearl Harbor, because I've already seen those. And I'm stopping at The Island, because I don't need to see the Transformers movies again! In fact, Transformers 2 is the only movie that I whole-heartedly refuse to ever see again! I hate it that much!

   Bad Boys, to cut right to the point, is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life! Since this was Michael Bay's first movie, before everything got super-exaggerated, I thought maybe this might be even somewhat tolerable. But boy was I wrong!
   You would not believe how many times I had to pause the movie for a minute and collect myself during the first half! There was literally something else to annoy me every five minutes! And that was even before the lie that dominates the storyline, where Marcus has to pretend he's Mike! The phone call scene, the fact that Marcus is so bad at lying that anyone with half a brain cell would immediately see right through him, that stupid scene with the photographs… God!
   On top of that, I swear half the dialogue in this movie is yelling, which also drove me nuts! There's one point in particular where Mike is interrogating someone and Marcus is carrying on in the background, where I actually said out loud, "SHUT UP!"
   As is typical of a Michael Bay movie, the performances are all flat as pancakes. Even Will Smith is boring!
   Also, to prove my point how terrible Michael Bay is at action scenes, the last thing I should be during your final massive shootout is bored!
   To sum it up, I've seldom been more annoyed by a movie. It's not funny, the characters are irritating, and it's all just insufferable yelling and chaos.
   My rating: turkey.

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