Monday 17 June 2013

First Impressions: "The Village" (2004)

   The residents of a small rural village live in harmony, except for fear of the mysterious creatures in the woods beyond the village. Now the villagers believe that the alliance between them and the monsters has been broken.
   Most people agree that this is where Shyamalan definitely went downhill. I may not have liked Signs, but at least it had potential to be a good movie. The Village, however, just flat-out fails.
   First of all, the acting is just as wooden as Signs – except for Adrien Brody, who easily upstages everyone else. And I guess Shyamalan was trying to make the dialogue sound old-fashioned, but that's all it sounds like: an imitation of that dialect.
   But perhaps my main problem with the movie is that it's slow! Painfully so! It feels ironed out to its hundred-minute length!
   The opening scenes raise plenty of questions about where things are going to go, but the movie takes a long time to establish what its real focus is.
   It's towards the end, however, that the movie hits rock bottom. The last half-hour is a constant barrage of weak twist after weak twist.
   It's dull, boring, unfocused and just all-around tedious.
   My rating: 35%.

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