Thursday 13 June 2013

First Impressions: "Unbreakable" (2000)

   After Earth has been getting such bad press that I'll have to check it out at some point, just to see if it'll make my worst movies list for this year. :) In the meantime, I'm having myself a little marathon of M Night Shyamalan's other movies.
   Until now, the only one I've seen is The Sixth Sense – which I still think is a very good movie even if you know the twist ending.
   With that said, Unbreakable

   The plot is basically that David Dunn (Bruce Willis) is the only survivor of a horrific train crash – completely unharmed. Then he's approached by Elijah Prince (Samuel L Jackson), who believes that, because David has never been injured in his life, he's a real-life embodiment of a comic book superhero.
   Elijah's theory seems absurd at first, but gradually starts to make sense as the movie progresses. I especially like how, as a security guard, David has an instinct for wrongdoing, which Elijah sees as a human trait that's the basis for super powers. It gets to the point where he can tell if someone's got a skeleton in their closet just by touching them. :)
   But sadly, this is one of those movies that seems to end too soon. The climax doesn't give you any indication that you're nearing the end of the movie; it feels like you're only at the end of the second act. (I had the same problem with Rambo 4 and Hostel: Part II.)
   But on the whole, my first impression of Unbreakable is that it's pretty good. It's a well-written and thoughtful take on heroes combined with life imitating art.
   My rating: 75%.

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