Saturday 29 December 2012

First Impressions: "Jurassic Park: The Game" (VG)

   I was up all night last night playing Telltale's Jurassic Park: The Game. 
   Now, Jurassic Park is one of my favourite movies of all time, so this is probably the Telltale movie-licensed game that I was looking forward to the most. Plus, from the trailers, it looked scary as fuck! 
   The story takes place parallel to the first movie, and I was afraid it might ruin the film for me. But some of the ways they develop the story are actually pretty clever. For example, we get some insight into what the island was like before John Hammond bought it. Other parts are expansions to the world of the park that just had me scratching my head – but as the game progressed, I began to just go with the flow and enjoy it for what it was. 
   But what really kills the game is the control. The whole game is based on quick time events, and they're the most annoying kind that I've seen. The icon indicating which button to press appears on the screen at pure random, and you're only given a fraction of a second to press the right button. (It's partly for that same reason that I'm one of those people who didn't like Heavy Rain.) So if you're anything like me, on each stage of each dinosaur encounter, you're guaranteed to die a few times trying to memorise the right pattern of buttons – which, half the time, isn't made clear anyway! 
   Overall, this game's okay. It does suffer from controls that can be frustrating if you're not used to them, but it does feature some awesome story moments to look forward to. (And the key word there is "some"!) It's certainly not a patch on Telltale's Back to the Future or The Walking Dead games, though. 
   My rating: 65%.

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