Wednesday 7 November 2012

First Impressions: "Chernobyl Diaries" + "Moonrise Kingdom" (2012)

   Time for this week's pair of rentals. :)

   Rental 1: Chernobyl Diaries.
   Well, first of all, I was under the impression that this was a found footage movie. It's not. So the documentary style of the camera work is just bizarre.
   All the other atmospherics are convincing, though, especially the lighting; it does almost feel like you're there.
   But, just like with many other horror movies, the characters are what kills it. Good God are they boring! As such, a lot of the movie keeps you on edge, but it's not out of fear for the characters' lives: it's just out of anticipation for the next jump scare. And I hate to break it to you, but jump scares in and of themselves are not scary! After a while, they get old. In fact, by the halfway point of this movie, they weren't even making me jump anymore.
   Overall, my one-word summary of this movie would be "meh".
   My rating: 45%.

   Rental 2: Moonrise Kingdom. Maybe it's because I'm not familiar with Wes Anderson's other work, but this is one of the strangest movies I've seen in quite a while!
   I think it was meant to be a family film, but I'm not entirely sure. It certainly has the feel of a kids' movie, like the production design in Suzy's house at the beginning: it looks just like a doll's house.
   It's a coming-of-age drama, for sure.
   It's about two kids who fall in love and run away into the wilderness. And the ensuing hunt for them involving the authorities, the Khaki Scouts and, towards the end, the social services pretty much delivers all the kids' movie tropes you'd expect.
   It definitely has a lot of heart, but it's as much perplexing as it is charming. It was good, I guess, but it was mostly just kind of odd.
   My rating: 60%.

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