Monday 19 November 2012

First Impressions: "Skyfall" (2012)

   Okay, I just got home from seeing Skyfall. It was pretty much what I expected: it succeeds in combining classic over-the-top Bond elements that we all know and love with the Daniel Craig movies' more serious approach.
   It's a good story that leads to some wonderful character interactions as well as a fantastic climax. And I especially like how it incorporates the fancy gadgets without going overboard with them to the point where it's just ridiculous, unlike some of the past Bond movies.
   Its only downfall, in my opinion, is the villain. Javier Bardem gives a terrific performance, as expected, but a lot of his dialogue is pretty lacklustre.
   Also, the opening action sequence is quite clumsily shot and edited, but all the rest are much easier to follow.
   In conclusion, I'd say this is one Bond movie that anyone can enjoy. Easily one of the best of the franchise.
   My rating: 80%.

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