Monday 26 November 2012

First Impressions: "Gambit" (1966) + "Red Dawn" (1984)

   I spent today watching two movies whose remakes are coming out late this year.

   First, Gambit, a 1966 heist film starring Michael Caine and Shirley MacLaine.
   Now, I'm a sucker for heist movies, and this one featured a pretty ingenious plan.
   I loved the first half-hour, loved the last half-hour… but with the middle section, it took me a while to get back on track with the movie, because it lost me after throwing a curveball. I don't know if I should spoil this for those of you who haven't seen it, but… In the first half-hour, you watch the robbery take place. Then it cuts back to the beginning again, and Michael Caine says, "So that's the plan." Yeah, everything you saw up to that point didn't actually happen! That really catches you off guard, but the idea was to make you feel his character's concern and frustration when, from the start, things don't go as expected.
   On the whole, I'd say this is definitely one to check out.
   My rating: 70%.

   And secondly, Red Dawn (1984).
   This movie really is a product of its time, summing up America's fears in the grip of the Cold War. But that doesn't necessarily mean it's outdated; it still makes for a good war scenario.
   But I have to admit I'm not a fan of war movies. I know they're supposed to represent war for real rather than a conventional narrative, but that doesn't change the fact that I generally find them unfocused and somewhat boring. This movie is no different.
   But for what it's worth, it is packed with good ideas, like being forced to hunt in the wilderness to survive. And the fact that the main characters are children adds so much more flavour. It's also kind of a precursor to Inglourious Basterds, in that it's about a group of renegade guerrillas spreading fear among the enemy ranks.
   So I guess I recommend it. But from what I've heard, I agree with everyone else: just ignore the remake with Chris Hemsworth.
   My rating: 65%.

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