Thursday 29 November 2012

First Impressions: "Mirror Mirror" + "The Angels' Share" (2012)

   This week's pair of rentals are Mirror Mirror and The Angels' Share.

   Rental 1: Mirror Mirror.
   My first thought when this movie ended was, "Wow! That sucked!"
   I don't know whether or not it would have annoyed me as much if I'd known going in that it was supposed to be a comedy, but only a small handful of jokes work anyway.
   I don't know if Julia Roberts had any creative control, but the whole part of the Queen certainly seemed like a big ego trip.
   Of course the dwarfs were the best part, but even they were okay at best. Still, to the movie's credit, at least it did get real dwarfs (sorry if that's not PC) to play them.
   I also have to say, the CGI is just awful! I mean, Snow White and the Huntsman had some pretty obvious CG as well, but this was almost Asylum-level bad!
   In conclusion, I don't know who I'd recommend this movie to, but certainly not people who want to see the fairytale done well!
   My rating: 35%.

   Rental 2: The Angels' Share.
   I don't know how much I can say about this one without getting into spoilers. It's probably best if you go into it knowing as little as possible, like I did.
   It's about a young punk in Glasgow trying to turn over a new leaf for his newborn son's sake. It seems like a predictable story at first glance, but it's not. For example, you're led to believe his community service supervisor will become a clichéd father figure, but the story doesn't go in that direction at all.
   But the main thing this movie did for me was the last half-hour. Again, I won't spoil anything, but I will say it's just fantastic in how morally ambiguous it is.
   I guess I'll conclude by saying that, quite simply, I highly recommend it. It's a wonderfully bittersweet comedy drama.
   My rating: 85%.

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