Friday 10 May 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Boa

(Central and South America, India, Madagascar, tropical Asia, Caribbean Islands)

   The giant skink and the Pacific boa. These interesting reptiles live on South Pacific islands.
   Camouflage for the growing emerald boa. Red at first for the low bushes, and emerald green by tree time.
   Elastic jaws! You can see why rats go out of their way to avoid a boa constrictor!
   Clever camouflage! The emerald tree boa can hide from the harpy eagle and sneak up on an appetising opossum dinner.
   The anaconda, a type of water boa, can grow to be a giant.
   Similar lifestyles, different continents: the green tree python and the emerald boa.
   Video: Hanging upside-down is no problem for an emerald tree boa. It just wraps its tail around a branch as an anchor. Swallowing a full-grown parrot for supper might be a little harder.
   Advice: Boas are not venomous. But they can bite, and they have sharp teeth. Don’t move your hand quickly in front of a boa, or it may mistake your hand for prey. And don’t ever let a boa give you a hug!

Next: A boa is a thick-bodied, muscular snake, and some types like the water. Don’t mistake this next animal for a harmless water snake! It’s an electric eel.

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