Tuesday 14 May 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Protecting Animals

   These creatures are our friends. We can’t let them disappear.
   If they can’t protect themselves, we must help them out.
   When we pollute our water, we endanger our environment, our wildlife and ourselves.
   What would you do if your neighbour was hurt? Why, you’d help him, of course. The same applies to animals.
   Knowledge is the key to finding out how we can help our planet’s wildlife survive.
   Zoos may be the only hope for some endangered species.
   Every animal deserves to be left to live and thrive in its natural habitat.
   Wild animals belong in the wild, not in the laboratory.
   Video: The last known thylacine, or Tasmanian wolf, died in captivity in 1936. These animals are gone from the Earth forever.
   Advice: Protecting animals means more than just getting people to stop shooting them. We’ve got to make sure they have places to live and raise their young, and the right prey or plants to eat as well.

Next: If we don’t start protecting animals, many will become extinct. World Wide Fund for Nature works to promote biodiversity. That means saving all the plants and animals on this planet.

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