Monday 6 May 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Funnel-Web Spider


   Their venom is deadly. So be thankful there’s an antidote!
   You may know that spiders have fangs, but knowing how and when they use them are the important points.
   Having lots of eyes does not mean great eyesight. At least, for most spiders.
   Here’s another spider with a clever way to trap its dinner: the trapdoor spider.
   Video: How would you provide yourself with an appetising meal? Step one: build yourself a web on the ground. Step two: hide in the middle. Step three: rush out when the vibrations tell you that dinner has arrived. And step four: eat heartily at your leisure.
   Advice: In Australia, don’t get too friendly with any spider, or snake, or reptile, or amphibian. Australia is the home of a lot of amazing animals, and many of them are venomous.

Next: An Australian funnel-web spider can inject powerful venom. So can a black widow.

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