Wednesday 15 May 2013

Dangerous Creatures: World Wildlife Fund

   Without help from the World Wild Fund for Nature, these Kodiak bears might completely disappear.
   They’ve got an unfortunate reputation, but sharks deserve to be saved too.
   If you were endangered, wouldn’t you want someone to protect you?
   The fate of Indonesia’s tropical rainforests means life or death to hundreds of animal species, like the Komodo dragon.
   Saving coral reefs is vital for the survival of many kinds of marine plant and animal life.
   The tiger. This beautiful beast might be gone very soon without our help.
   Video: We share our planet with so many wonderful creatures. It’s up to us to preserve the Earth in all of its beauty and diversity. World Wide Fund for Nature works to protect the habitats of endangered species around the world. Its members are making a difference every day.
   Advice: Do you love wild animals? Then don’t just sit still! Do something to protect them. Join World Wildlife Fund, plant trees, recycle, clean up a stream… These creatures need your help.

   And that concludes this final chain. In the program, World Wildlife Fund leads to The Web of Life, which we’ve already covered.

   Well, we’ve come to the end of our showcase of all the narration from Microsoft’s Dangerous Creatures. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed it and found it informative.
   I’ve never been good at conclusions, so thanks again. See you round.

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