Thursday 9 May 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Harpy Eagle

(Southern Mexico, South America)

   Hawks and eagles are powerful hunters.
   Owls do most of their hunting at night.
   An eagle’s incredible long-distance vision can zoom in on even the smallest animals.
   The sloth and the spider monkey have to guard against attack from the harpy eagle. It can swoop down at fifty miles an hour.
   The eagle is a raptor, or a bird of prey. As is the osprey. Just look at those wings!
   Video: In addition to hunting on land or in the air, many eagles have mastered fishing. Eagles all over the world use this method of hunting, from the bald eagle in North America to the fish eagle in Africa.
   Advice: Harpy eagles can swoop down on a monkey at fifty miles per hour. But you’re safe. As long as you don’t wear a monkey suit and swing from trees in the rainforest!

Next: Harpy eagles live in the tropical rainforests of Central and South America. So also do many types of boa constrictor.

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