Tuesday 1 January 2013

First Impressions: "2012" (2009)

   I finally got round to seeing 2012. Or rather getting it out of the way. I knew it was going to suck, and it didn't disappoint.
   I know it's just supposed to be a dumb blockbuster, but this script is so corny that it stops being ironically enjoyable and just becomes plain egregious. The movie constantly shifts focus between far too many characters, and all of them are as flat as can be.
   And worst of all, the action scenes aren't the least bit exciting because they look as fake as it gets. Kudos to the animators for all the detail they put in, but it's still CG and it looks like shit! It looks so fake that it just makes you wish the whole movie was animated.
   This movie is nearly two hours and forty minutes long, and it feels like it! It's boring as hell, but at least it's well shot. So I'll take this over a Michael Bay shit-fest any day!
   My rating: 30%.

   Also, on a side note, I should point out that I watched it on Netflix. And I'm seriously considering unsubscribing! It makes no sense to me why you should have to stream the movie online. What if you have a poor internet connection? The amount of times I had to pause the movie just to let the buffer catch up is just ludicrous! Regardless of whether or not you're enjoying the movie, that is a total mood killer! It's retarded! Why should I have to do that? You should be able to download the movie file and watch it freely without having to worry about that. That's the whole point of UltraViolet, so why can't Netflix do it?

   Well, this was a depressing start to 2013! I think I'll wash 2012 down with another two-hour-forty-minute movie, one that I actually like: The Dark Knight Rises! :) After all, I think it's high time I saw it again anyway!

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