Wednesday 23 January 2013

First Impressions: "Psychonauts" (VG)

   Just finished playing Psychonauts on PS2. Took me well over twenty hours of gameplay, but I've finally completed it! :)
   And let me tell you, this game is pure genius! It takes the concept of the psychological drama to a whole new level! The whole thing is just crazy! I can't even properly explain it!
   I will say, though, that this game is definitely stronger in terms of ideas and creativity than in actual gameplay. Still, while I do have issues with it at times – specifically, the platforming jumping, the save feature and the fact that the game (no exaggeration!) has more false endings than The Return of the King – I really do think the imagination on display here more than makes up for it. And I'm sure my complaints with the game's pacing will be resolved in future playthroughs, when I know what's coming.
   Despite the fact that each level feels tacked on after the promise of the climax approaching in the previous one, every scene is bursting with creativity and sometimes laugh-out-loud humour.
   So you can definitely count me in this game's fan club!
   My rating: 95%. I really want to give it a full 100, but the pacing and gameplay issues did cost it a lot.

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