Monday 22 October 2012

First Impressions: "The Walking Dead" + "XCOM: Enemy Unknown"

   As I mentioned, I also played a couple of games in England. So here we go: my first video game-related first impression comments! :)

   The big one was The Walking Dead from Telltale. I watched the first season of the show while I was there, and I was distinctly underwhelmed. I know they're both based on the comic book series, so there's not much point in comparing the two, but in my opinion the Telltale game blows the show out of the water. It's a much more believable depiction of the zombie apocalypse, and I like the characters far, far, far better.
   It's also really clever how the game actually adapts to the choices you make along the way. It really does seem like you're creating your own adventure.
   So far, only episodes one to four have been released, and I really look forward to seeing the fifth and final – though I will admit the voice on the phone seems to have taken a step into straight-up Bond villain territory.
   Overall, another of Telltale's triumphs.
   My rating: 95%.

   I also played another game that's been causing quite a buzz recently: XCOM: Enemy Unknown. From what I can gather, this is the game that hardcore X-COM fans had been waiting for, finally returning the series to its turn-based strategy roots. For me, it was my first X-COM experience, and it was a highly enjoyable one.
   Though I admit I'm not the best strategic thinker in the world. John and I took it in turns to play the game, which I think further impeded my performance: I lost out on valuable experience, so when it came to the tougher situations later on, I just got clobbered – especially going up against the Chrysalids. (God, I fucking hate those things!)
   I really need to get it myself and get some practice of my own. So it's a good thing it's a good enough game that I really want to do that anyway! :)
   I can see it having a lot of replay value and giving me hours of fun in the future.
   My rating: 90%.

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