Monday 1 October 2012

First Impressions: "Home on the Range" (2004), "Chicken Little" (2005) + "Meet the Robinsons" (2007)

   Well, I got through three more Disney animated features today.

   First, Home on the Range. Disney's 2D animation studio was shut down for a while after this, and I wouldn't be surprised if it was exactly because of this movie! This is so unlike the Disney you'd expect that it actually goes beyond belief! It's definitely geared almost exclusively to preschool kids. It tries to throw in some jokes to keep the parents satisfied as well, but they just aren't funny. Honestly, this wouldn't be out of place alongside Barney the Dinosaur!
   The only good thing I can say about it is when the villain first bursts into song, you're so taken aback that it's actually kind of funny.
   Still, on the whole, it's not absolutely detestable, but this is undoubtedly the worst of all the 2D Disney features by far. Unless you're about four years old or less, I'd say this is a definite skip.
   My rating: 20%.

   Second, Chicken Little. The first CG-animated movie in the Disney theatrical line-up. This one just completely floored me, leaving me wondering, "What the hell did I just see?!"
   First of all, none of the jokes are funny, it gets pretty grim for a kids' movie at times, and I'm honestly against the idea of animals having a human-like world like this.
   But what really made my jaw drop is the direction the story ends up taking. Aliens?! Fucking aliens?! I don't know what I expected of a movie called Chicken Little, but it certainly didn't involve fucking aliens!
   I don't know what else to say. Just… wow is this one bad! The twists on the original story are nice, but it all boils down to one of the most ridiculous movies I've ever seen. It's another one that screams of nothing but little kids in mind.
   My rating: 20%.

   And third, Meet the Robinsons. This one was really, really damn good! I was surprised. After sitting through Disney's two absolute worst earlier today, you could say this was my reward!
   I'm a sucker for time travel movies, and this one has one of the best spins on the concept that I could possibly have asked for. But to reveal exactly why would mean spoiling the ending.
   Let's just say the first fifteen minutes got me really excited with the promise of where the story was going, then it kind of sagged a little when it seemed like it was just throwing as much weirdness as possible at us, and then the second half accelerated to a brilliant climax.
   It may seem like a weird thing for Disney to release, but it's definitely my kind of movie! You can colour me a fan of this one.
   My rating: 85%.

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