Sunday 23 September 2012

First Impressions: "Battleship" + "Wanderlust" (2012)

   Well, I watched this week's pair of rentals today. Circumstances forced me to rent them on Saturday instead of the usual Tuesday.

   First is Battleship. This is right up there with This Means War as one of the worst movies I've seen so far this year! First of all, I don't recall the board game having anything to do with aliens! And secondly (and I can't emphasise this enough), actually trying to imitate Michael Bay has got to be a new cinematic low!
   Still, at least this movie actually has a plot and sticks to it, which is more than you can say for Michael Bay himself! It seems like a War of the Worlds rip-off at first, but the goal here is to prevent the war from happening in the first place. That's actually not bad.
   The first two thirds are straight-up boring, but the last act made me realise this could have been enjoyed as a simple dumb blockbuster – if it weren't trying to be a Michael Bay imitator. (Seriously, man, that's sad!)
   Bottom line: it's still a terrible movie, but I'll take this over a Michael Bay movie any day!
   My rating: 20%.

   And the second is Wanderlust, a comedy starring Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston. Much like Project X, this is another movie that I'd probably just place in the "meh" category. The premise is that they're a downtrodden couple who come across a group of hippies and decide their best option is to join them. If that sounds appealing to you, maybe you'll enjoy it. Myself, it only made me laugh sparingly, and the ending just came off to me as a cliché. I do kind of like, though, how George is originally the one who's all for joining the hippies, but Linda's the one who really warms to their ways. Anyway, overall, just a mediocre movie.
   My rating: 50%.

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