Saturday 22 September 2012

First Impressions: "A Dangerous Method" (2011)

   I saw A Dangerous Method today. This is kind of a hard movie to talk about. For one thing, I have a tough time reviewing simple dramas anyway. But also, because this is a movie about doctors' disputing beliefs, the only way to really talk about it is to treat it like you're a doctor yourself and it's your patient, analyse it and see what you take from it. And that, I'm not gonna do! I will say, though, that it was a good idea to see what we make of Freud's theories today. I obviously don't know how historically accurate this movie is, but both parties in the film at least get you thinking. The pacing is a little confusing at times, but on the whole, this is a pretty good movie that I look forward to seeing a few more times and fully taking in.
   My rating: 70%.

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