Sunday 16 September 2012

First Impressions: "Judge Dredd" (1995) + "Taken" (2008)

   Well, I mentioned that there were three movies I wanted to see that are getting either remakes or sequels this year. Total Recall was the first, and today I saw the other two.

   One was Judge Dredd. I'm not entirely sure why so much hate gets thrown at this movie. I never read the comics, so I'm guessing part of the problem is that it doesn't follow them at all well. But as an action movie, it's a blast. The world it creates is fascinating, and it has all the over-the-top action set pieces and corny one-liners that you'd expect. Basically, it's aware that it's just an action movie, and it loves every minute of it. In fact, had it not been for the universally terrible acting, I might have ranked this up as one of the best action movies I've ever seen. I'm curious to see the new Dredd movie and see if they succeed in adapting the premise into something you can take somewhat seriously. But in the meantime, I'm going to have as much fun with this movie as it does with itself.
   My rating: 75%.

   And Taken (with Liam Neeson) was third and final. It's basically just an action movie that tackles grisly real-life issues. Human trafficking is very much for real, so I can understand why people might take issue with this movie, either because we watch movies to get away from the horrors of real life, or because turning them into a silly action movie might be a little improper. But personally, I don't see the harm in making a movie about a hero overcoming those problems; it's kind of therapeutic that way. Other than that, there's nothing really remarkable about the movie, though. But as an action movie, it delivers the goods. It's a fun thrill ride with some real kick-ass moments.
   My rating: 75%.

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