Friday 14 September 2012

First Impressions: "Total Recall" (1990)

   I decided it was only fitting that my first movie comment should be on one of the most popular movies in existence.
   I'm having a massive Disney marathon at the moment, going through all fifty-one of their animated motion pictures in chronological order. But I decided to take a little break because I felt like watching three movies in particular for which this year is producing either remakes or sequels.

   Anyway, here are my brief thoughts on the original Total Recall. I thought it was really, really good! In terms of action and science-fiction, it does everything right: it's intelligent, and the action is used to punctuate key points in the story, which is what makes it so intense and thrilling. That's why the older action movies are infinitely superior to the mind-numbing junk food we have today.
   Also, this is one of those movies that feels long in a good way. It's only 108 minutes, but so much happens, and each scene feels so complete, that you'd swear it was closer to two-and-a-half hours.
   Anyway, you love the movie, I do too.
   My rating: 90% for now, but repeat viewings could bring it up even higher.

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