Sunday 30 September 2012

First Impressions: "Hope Springs" + "Savages" (2012)

   I went to see two movies yesterday. I've got a cold, so I just didn't have the energy to comment on them when I got home last night. But anyway, here are my reviews now.

   The first was Hope Springs. My only interest in seeing this one was Meryl Streep. The premise is a middle-aged couple going to a marriage counsellor to try and get their marriage back on track, so I was afraid I'd be far too young to appreciate this movie. And guess what: I was right. All I can say is, if you're that sort of age, and especially if you're experiencing rough times in your marriage yourself, this movie is for you. It's good for what it is, I guess; I could just never get into it.
   My rating: 55%.

   And the second was Savages. And man, what a bore it was! Of all the movies I've seen this year, I think this is the one where I cared the least what was going on. One reason is that a lot of the dialogue just went in one ear and out the other, so I didn't really understand anyone's motivation. But on top of that, I simply didn't sympathise with the characters, which made the whole movie so hollow that even the violence was underwhelming. The rest is down to terrible jokes and one of the most infuriating twist endings I've ever seen. Overall, it's not one of the top five worst movies of the year or anything, but (along with Act of Valour) I think I can safely say that it's the most boring.
   My rating: 35%.

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