Saturday 9 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Beautiful Babies

   Taking care of her young is a big event in an animal mother’s life. Sounds very much like a human mother, doesn’t it?
   You were born looking like your parents. But that’s not the case with all creatures.
   You learn about life while you play, don’t you? Well, so do these furry little fellows.
   When you lay eggs underwater, you need to know what you’re doing.
   What a bunch of boas!
   In the animal kingdom, playing together is more than just having fun.
   When mother needs to move, it’s always nice to get a free ride!
   Video: Play has a serious side. It helps develop skills that wild animals will need as adults. Of course, the babies don’t know that. To them, it’s just plain fun.
   Advice: You may feel you can’t help wanting to touch a baby animal. But remember that it’s wild, and it can’t know what’s going on in your mind. And more important, its mother is probably nearby.

Next: You may be tempted to pet a baby wild animal. But don’t. Its family is probably close by, and is probably very protective.

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