Wednesday 27 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Beetles

   Have you ever seen creatures that come in as many varieties as beetles?
   The colour red means, “Don’t eat me.”
   Tadpoles beware! Diving beetles would like to have you for dinner.
   If you’re not very good at fighting, sometimes you just have to fake it.
   Many insects are easily misunderstood. Just like people, in a way.
   The ladybird and the cockroach. Now, here are two different characters that you must surely have seen.
   Weevils are tiny, can look pretty, but can also be destructive.
   Yes, beetles do have wings. They’re just covered up.
   Video: Some beetles are built for battle. When male stag beetles meet, they wrestle by grabbing each other with their curved pincers. There’s little doubt about who is the loser.
   Advice: Do not pick up a strange beetle. Some have nasty pincers, and some can even squirt acid. It’s no wonder they’re so defensive. Consider your size compared to theirs.

Next: Beetles are insects with special hard wing cases. What about mosquitoes? Are they insects too?

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