Monday 25 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Insects

   “Who says we’re destructive? We’re just eating!”
   If we had eyes like these, the world would seem a very different place.
   Some insects are not dangerous themselves, but they leave behind unwanted guests.
   Imagine living only a small part of your life as an adult. Well, that’s what happens with mayflies.
   Even dung is important in the natural world.
   Now, here’s an interesting disguise! Meet the praying mantis, one of the most amazing hunters in the insect world.
   Some creatures that we look down on are actually doing us a great service.
   Video: Incredible dramas are taking place around us every day. Yet we rarely even notice. That’s because all the action is happening… in the miniature world of insects.
   Advice: I’ve learnt to appreciate insects. They are really quite fascinating. Besides, there are millions more of them than there are of us, so it would be really best to live in peace with them, don’t you think?

Next: Some insects are harmless to humans. Others can give a painful sting, such as a wasp.

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