Saturday 16 February 2013

First Impressions: "Lincoln" + "Django Unchained" (2012)

   Well, I had quite an evening last night! I went to see Lincoln and Django Unchained back-to-back, and I also booked a hostel for the night. Why? Because it was the only option. You see, the cinema in Sligo, during the school term, doesn't open until long after the only bus out to Coolaney (the rural village where I live) leaves. That's probably the main reason I don't go to the cinema very often: because I can never see a movie at any convenient time. Not without the extra expense of booking a room like this.
   Anyway, how were the movies?

   First up, Lincoln, Steven Spielberg's biopic about Abraham Lincoln's struggle to get the Thirteenth Amendment passed.
   I'm sure it's really inspiring to anyone who actually understands what the hell's being said! But a lot of the dialogue was political mumbo jumbo that, for me, just went right over my head. Also, I didn't know the history going in, but I didn't think that should stand in the way of my enjoyment of the movie itself. But alas, it did. This movie was clearly made only for people who know their history, and anyone who doesn't is going to be totally lost.
   That being said, I was able to get the basic gist for the most part, and I did like parts of it. Daniel Day-Lewis, of course, is phenomenal in the role, and even though I could barely understand his dialogue, I still got the point.
   So, overall, I think it's okay. I'm sure it's a good historical depiction, but it's just not very engaging for an ignorant slob like me.
   My rating: 60%.

   Now, Django Unchained was more my cup of tea. It's Quentin Tarantino, so how could you go wrong? :)
   I sat there grinning all the way through this movie! Not only is it as badass and clever as you'd expect, but it's also laugh-out-loud funny. Right from the opening credits, when the upbeat Django theme is playing over imagery of slaves in chains, I was along for the ride.
   I do think, though, that this is one of those movies that doesn't know when to end. It's over two-and-a-half hours, and the climax does drag on for a bit too long. I thought the big shootout would be the final scene, but boy was I wrong!
   Still, with that said, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie on the whole. I did start to lose concentration during the second half, but I think that was just sleep deprivation catching up to me. I'd love to see it again when I'm better rested. :)
   Not one of my absolute favourite Tarantino works, but it's definitely a good one.
   My rating: 85%.

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