Sunday 17 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Wolf

(North America, Eastern Europe, Asia, Mexico)

   For camouflage and warmth in the winter, wear a thick white coat, like the Arctic fox – a cousin of the wolf.
   The Tasmanian wolf, now extinct, was actually a marsupial. The maned wolf, which is really a dog, may soon also disappear.
   People thought wolves killed livestock. So now the only wolves left are in the northern parts of North America.
   A meal may last for days. Leaders eat first, and adults return to the den to feed the babies.
   The wolf, like the domestic dog and other canines, has the teeth of a predator.
   A dominant male and female lead the wolf pack.
   “Hello!” Or is it, “Keep your distance?!” Or maybe, “I’m having fun!” The howl of the wolf can be heard a long way off.
   Wolf pups learn by playing. After a few years, they leave to start their own packs.
   Video: Lips curled back, teeth bared. It’s not a smile! It means, “Back off!” Wolves communicate with all kinds of visual signals, as well as with a wide variety of sounds.
   Advice: If a wolf is following you, don’t be overly concerned. Wolves have never been known to attack humans. But you don’t want to encourage one to come too close, either!

Next: Wolves live in many places, and have large territories. Some northern wolves share their ranges with wolverines.

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