Tuesday 12 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Venom Producers

   You thought all snakes had fangs up front? Open wide!
   Fangs in the back of the mouth. Fangs in the front. Even movable fangs! The effect is all the same on the helpless prey!
   Cnidarians. Harpooners of the sea. And highly skilled they are, too!
   The sting of a scorpion will not kill many humans. But for insects and spiders, it’s a different story.
   Lizards are rarely venomous. But watch out for the two that are: the Gila monster and the beaded lizard.
   Look at these fangs! It’s lucky for us that most spiders are harmless to humans.
   It’s a chain reaction. A female bee stings something, and other bees want to get in on the act. It’s only self-defence, though.
   Video: Unlike a constrictor, a venomous snake doesn’t need to squeeze its prey. With one bite, it injects its venom. Then, it waits for the victim to stop moving.
   Advice: Imagine being able to manufacture venom in your own body! That’s a remarkable talent! We humans only produce… well, you know… sweat, saliva – nothing worth discussing.

Next: An animal doesn’t need fangs to use venom. A poison arrow frog, for example, can simply ooze it out through its skin.

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