Thursday 14 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Fighting Back

   A bunch of spines will scare off most predators. It certainly works for lionfish, porcupines and passion-vine caterpillars!
   When predators come around, if all else fails, run for your life!
   So many stripes are confusing. That’s what a zebra is betting on!
   One method of scaring away predators is to display false eyes and mouths.
   If you don’t have many natural defences, what can you do? Hide inside a hard shell.
   The rule for the pufferfish is: double your size, double your safety!
   With rhinos and buffalos, you don’t need many other defences if you have horns like these.
   Video: A surprise can be a good defence. [See picture] This skunk does a handstand, and threatens to shower the jaguar with its acrid spray. It’s enough to make the big cat back off!
   Advice: If other animals wanted to eat you, you’d have to develop some very good defences to survive. I have become very good at hiding, myself.

Following this screen in the program is an activity called Camouflage. The connecting button says, "Animals use many tricks to try to avoid predators. Camouflage is one of them."

So this ends one chain of screens from Dangerous Creatures. Camouflage leads to a screen that I think fits better in another chain. Tomorrow, we begin a brand new chain – the longest of them all – ironically with the deadliest creature of them all.

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