Monday 18 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Wolverine

(North America, northern Europe, Siberia)

   The badger, a relative of the wolverine, has a reputation as a bad-tempered animal. But most, like the Old World badger, are quite gentle.
   They’re not related, but the wolf and the wolverine have much in common. Such as, for example, being hunted almost to extinction in many parts of the world.
   Wolverines aren’t fussy eaters. They don’t even care if their food is dead or alive.
   Grizzly bears and mountain lions. A wolverine will even fight these powerful predators for a kill!
   The wolverine, the weasel and the Tasmanian devil. All fierce hunters and remarkably strong. These small creatures scare off many a larger one.
   Video: Wolverines look – and sometimes act – like miniature bears. They have glands near their tails that produce a musky smell. That’s why they’re sometimes also known as “skunk bears”.
   Advice: You will probably never see a wolverine; they are quite rare. But just because they’re small does not mean they’re wimps! Pound for pound, a wolverine is one of the toughest creatures on the planet. If one wants your lunch, hand it over!

Next: Some wolverines live in the far north of Europe. The European adder is also found in this location.

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