Saturday 23 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Jaguar

(Central and South America, Mexico)

   Jaguars, leopards, ocelots and cheetahs all have spots. But the spots are all different between each cat.
   They roam the same areas of Central America. But an ocelot will always back away from the bigger jaguar.
   Jaguars enjoy a varied diet. Here are some of the items that might appear on their menu: caimans, catfish and tapirs.
   They climb, they jump, they leap. Jaguars are great all-around hunters.
   Big mysterious cats like jaguars have inspired awe in many cultures through the centuries.
   A good camouflage mimics the surroundings of its wearer. A motionless jaguar can be almost invisible!
   Video: Jaguars prowl their territories alone. Except when males and females come together to mate. These beautiful cats love water, and are famous for their fishing techniques.
   Advice: If you see a jaguar, count yourself lucky. Most people will never get a look at this beautiful cat. In tropical rainforests, be sure to look up as well as all around. You may see a jaguar on the branch above you.

Next: Jaguars live in the tropical forests of Central and South America. That’s also where you’ll find passion-vine caterpillars and butterflies.

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