Wednesday 20 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Lands of Ice and Snow

   When it’s cold, it’s a good idea to have some insulation. The Arctic fox is dressed for the weather!
   Sometimes, you have only one choice. Adapt, or go somewhere else.
   First, a blur of white feathers. Then sharp talons descend on the prey. A snowy owl is a fearsome hunter.
   Most life in Antarctica depends on food from the seas.
   When you live in extreme conditions, you’d better learn how to adapt. Ask the eider duck and the musk ox for advice!
   In the far north, both predators and prey live difficult lives.
   This place [see previous line] is difficult to live in. And very dangerous as well.
   Video: Which animals live in the Arctic? Elephant seals. Walruses. Beluga whales. And caribou. Just to name a few!
   Advice: In my travels, I’ve learnt that there are living things that have adapted to every environment on earth. The natural world is a place that never ceases to amaze me.

Next: Isn’t it amazing that so many animals can survive under extreme conditions? In perpetual ice and snow, or in the heat and dryness of deserts.

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