Sunday 10 February 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Family Values

   Unlike human babies, some young animals just can’t wait for food to be brought to them.
   On top of all her other work, a cougar mother also has to do a lot of moving.
   Most mammals protect their young well.
   Some animals are born with all the knowledge they need to survive. But mammals need to listen closely to their mother’s advice.
   Living alone can be fine. But when it comes to hunting and protection, a group often proves to be a better arrangement.
   Even though mum is around and dad isn’t, still boys will be boys and girls will be girls!
   Touching is a great way to communicate and let someone know you care about them. Some animals are better at this than people!
   Video: The instincts of all animals direct them towards the same goal: to reproduce and pass their genes along to the next generation.
   Advice: As a child, your mother probably goes to the grocery store to get food for you. But, if you came from a family of wild predators, your mother would have to hunt and kill before she could bring home the dinner.

Next: The need to reproduce and protect their young are two of the driving forces behind animal behaviour. Even scorpions are protective parents.

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