Saturday 2 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Alligator

(Southeast United States, China)

   Alligators live in North America and China. And their cousins, the caimans, are found in Central and South America.
   Tales of Chinese dragons. Were they inspired by dinosaur bones, or by the lizards that are still around today?
   Don’t fool for this reptile’s smile!
   Crocodile or alligator? It’s difficult to tell which. But in either case, keep your distance!
   Baby crocodilians receive tender care from their mothers. Other adults keep an eye on them also.
   Other creatures have alligator names. But the Chinese and North American alligators are true relatives.
   Reptiles all. These creatures have backbones, scaly skin, and blood that isn’t always warm.
   Video: When an anaconda meets a caiman, each might think the other looks like food. It’s jaws against muscle. But only one will be the winner. The other will be dinner.
   Advice: Some people think that alligators – not to mention Ninja Turtles – live in sewers. But don’t listen to them! You’re much more likely to come across an alligator in a swamp, or in the water hazard on a Florida golf course. Just don’t get too close to an alligator, and you can both continue to relax.

Next: An alligator has a vicious bite. So does a snapping turtle.

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