Friday 1 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Wetland Environments

   To breathe on land, you need lungs. Underwater, you need gills.
   Everything has its proper place and function in a wetland. Even tree roots.
   Marshes come in two flavours: freshwater and saltwater.
   You can’t imagine what you’ll find in a place like the cypress swamp.
   Did you think that water lilies were just for decoration? They’re very important protection for some creatures.
   Video 1: Wetlands around the world may not always seem friendly to humans. But they’re a home to all kinds of creatures. If we fill in or drain our marshes and swamps, where would they go?
   Video 2: Male frogs inflate their throat pouches to call for mates. But sometimes, filling yourself with air can be risky. A fast current might sweep you downstream.
   Advice: If you think that wetlands are good for breeding mosquitoes, you’re right. But they’re also good for breeding fish, birds, frogs and reptiles. If you’re not afraid of getting your feet wet, you’ll find they’re interesting places.

Next: In the southeastern United States, one of the many wetland animals you’ll find is the American alligator.

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