Wednesday 13 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Crocodile

(Florida, Africa, Southeast Asia, Australia)

   The gavial, a relative of the crocodile from southern Asia, makes a terrifying noise. But its jaws are not strong enough for fighting.
   Crocodiles and alligators are perfectly suited to their watery lives.
   Waterproof skin, eyes and noses set high on their heads, and powerful tails. Crocodilians are built for the water.
   This is a saltwater crocodile. It lives in Southeast Asia and northern Australia. It’s huge, and it’s dangerous!
   Can you believe what crocodiles will eat?!
   Because hunting them is now illegal in many places, crocodilians are sometimes raised on ranches.
   Crocodilians live all over the world.
   Video: For a baby crocodile, its mother’s mouth is a place of safety. But the same jaws that gently carry babies can easily crush other animals, like this unfortunate snake.
   Advice: If you see a lot of logs floating in the waterhole, don’t dive in! And don’t ever underestimate just how fast a crocodile can move. These reptiles can lunge.

Next: Before wading into a river in Africa, Australia or Asia, you’d better look out for crocodiles. And before wading into a river in South America, you should ask about piranhas.

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