Wednesday 20 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Tiger

(India, Thailand, Indonesia, China, Siberia)

   Tigers love water. At a river, they can drink and cool off – and catch their dinner.
   A tiger’s coat blends with tall grass and brush. What better way to sneak up on prey?
   Unlike lions, tigers prefer to fend for themselves and live alone.
   Tiger cubs are born completely dependent on their mother, just like baby kittens.
   The female tiger looks after the babies for about two years. Meanwhile, the male is off on his own.
   This is no pussycat! The tiger hunts with incredible speed and strength.
   Video: Tigers need three things: cover from which to stalk their prey, water, and of course the prey itself.
   Advice: Tigers don’t like to attack prey that’s looking at them. If you must go for a hike in tiger country, wear a mask on the back of your head. You may feel silly, but the eyes of the mask might keep a tiger from sneaking up behind you.

Next: Tigers live in Asia. Another dangerous creature that lives there is the cobra.

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