Sunday 31 March 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Gila Monster

(Southwest USA, northern Mexico)

   The hot desert sand, combined with a lack of water and hiding places, calls for special survival techniques.
   Besides the Gila monster, the only other lizard that is venomous is the beaded lizard.
   Gila monsters chew venom into their victims to render them helpless.
   The colours yellow and black often signal that an animal carries venom.
   The sandfish has all the equipment necessary for living in the desert.
   The presence of scorpions, rattlesnakes and female jewel wasps contributes to making the desert a dangerous place to live.
   Video: Gila monsters are not exactly quick. So they don’t attack fast-moving prey. An egg moves at about the right speed for this lizard.
   Advice: Most Gila monster bites have occurred when the Gila monster was being abused. These lizards are not known for their sense of humour. So don’t tease a Gila.

Next: A Gila monster is a fairly big lizard. But it’s tiny in comparison to the giant Komodo dragon.

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