Monday 1 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Komodo Dragon


   The Komodo dragon, the rat, the mosquito and the vampire bat. None of these animals are venomous. But if one bites you, it could make you sick.
   Komodo dragons are meat-eaters. They also prey on each other. So at mealtimes, the small ones are very polite!
   The ancestors of the Komodo dragon and the tuatara lived at the time of the dinosaurs.
   Monitor lizards, like the Komodo dragon, live in trees, in water, on the ground, and even underground.
   The newt, the caiman and the iguana. Although they all resemble lizards, two of these creatures are not. So you have to guess which one is the real thing.
   Video: Millions of years ago, the most powerful animals on Earth were not mammals, but giant meat-eating reptiles. Komodo dragons are the largest lizards on Earth today, and are living reminders of this ancient past.
   Advice: If you are bitten, or even just scratched, by a Komodo dragon, go to a doctor immediately! The bacteria that live in this giant lizard’s mouth could kill an elephant!

Next: No wonder they call it a dragon! The Komodo dragon, or “ora”, is the largest lizard on Earth today.

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