Sunday 21 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Vampire Bat

(Central and South America)

   The wing of the bat is a marvellous creation.
   The bat’s clawed feet are good for crawling. And for hanging upside-down while sleeping.
   They sleep in cool caves and empty buildings. To stay warm, they huddle close.
   Bats use their wings not only to fly, but to catch their dinner.
   Blind as a bat? Not so the fruit bat!
   No need for a road map! A bat reads echoes to learn what’s nearby.
   Video: When night falls, bats come out of their hiding places to hunt for food. Vampire bats look for large warm-blooded animals. Just a tiny bite from this tiny bat, and dinner’s ready.
   Advice: Vampire bats can carry disease, so never let one suck on your neck. But unless you’re camping out among a herd of cattle in Central America, you have no need to worry.

Next: Vampire bats are gentle creatures, despite a reputation for being savage. The same goes for Tasmanian devils.

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