Monday 1 April 2013

The Sims 2: Is This a Joke?

   Well, it's April Fool's Day. I'm not going to pull any pranks or anything, but I figure this is the perfect time to show you one of the goofiest things I've ever seen in my life.
   I've been playing The Sims 2 every day for quite a while now, and a couple of my Sims had lifetime aspirations to become a criminal mastermind. When they finally accomplished it and I first saw the criminal mastermind attire, I just could not help myself from howling with laughter! I was like, "Seriously?!"
   I mean, look at this! Maybe you can't see it too clearly with the poor quality of the camera in the game, but… red-and-black spandex with shoulder horns and a skull insignia across the chest? I was under the impression that "criminal mastermind" meant mob boss – which would make sense, since it's the pinnacle of the criminal career. But who would take a mob boss seriously who dresses like that? :D Not even comic book villains get this silly!
   Actually, speaking of which… I can't remember which one it was, but one of these guys had a superhero to deal with on one of his first days on the job! :) If you've played the game yourself, you know how sometimes text boxes pop up while a Sim is away at work, telling you of something interesting happening there and forcing you to make a choice between two actions? Well, there was one that said there was a new superhero in town, and you had to choose between trying to contain him or keep going with your plan to hold the city to ransom.
   So, actually, criminal mastermind in this game means supervillain! And for a game that's otherwise supposed to simulate normal life, doesn't this just seem really out of place?
   On that same note, interestingly, Captain Hero is the top position of the law enforcement career – and I've had Sims achieve that, too. Isn't it hilarious that being a superhero is just a normal day job in this game? :D
   But anyway, yes, the criminal mastermind uniform here is laughable. And in this particular picture, it's coupled with these two guys just going about their daily business in their kitchen, one drinking an instant meal and the other preparing a TV dinner. This has got to be one of the silliest images ever! :) If I just showed you this picture and simply told you these guys were criminal masterminds, wouldn't you think I was playing a prank on you?

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