Tuesday 2 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Lizards

   Lizards are great runners, whether on two legs or four.
   Meet the slow-worm, a lizard without legs. Here’s a very peculiar technique! And it seems to work, too!
   I-guana, you-guana, they-guana! An iguana for every taste!
   Most geckos are night owls. Except for the Madagascar day gecko, who seems to prefer the daytime.
   Reptiles are all over the place. And they’re not really frightening. In fact, they’re among the most interesting creatures around.
   Look! A flying gecko! Well, not really. But it is a parachuting gecko.
   The chameleon. A rainbow creature, with a deadly tongue. Deadly for an insect, that is.
   Video: Wherever there’s a warm climate, there are lizards. They come in all sizes and colours, and in amazing shapes. There’s even one that swims in the sea: a marine iguana.
   Advice: Sometimes, it’s the smallest ones you have to watch out for. One day, a little gecko jumped up and bit my nose for no apparent reason! But, nevertheless, I still like lizards.

Next: Do you know the difference between a lizard and a fire salamander?

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