Wednesday 3 April 2013

Dangerous Creatures: Fire Salamander

(Europe, northwest Africa, Southeast Asia)

   The California newt, the tiger salamander and the mandarin salamander. Danger ahead!
   Whether born live or hatched from eggs, baby salamanders look nothing like their parents.
   Do you see those lumps behind this salamander’s eyes? They ooze venom.
   What kind of feet does a salamander have? It depends on how it lives.
   Newts come in an assortment of colours and patterns.
   Video: In a salamander beauty contest, it would be difficult to choose a winner. Just imagine if people came in such bright colours and interesting patterns!
   Advice: Don’t squeeze a salamander, or it may squirt venom at you. Actually, don’t squeeze any animal. You wouldn’t let them squeeze you, would you? Of course you wouldn’t!

Next: A fire salamander can afford to be colourful, because it uses venom to defend itself. Within certain groups of animals, bright colours often signal venom.

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